Sunday, February 13, 2011

Some Articles on the AOL Purchase of Huffpo

Here are a couple of interesting articles on the AOL purchase of Huffpo. Feel free to comment with your opinions or links to other articles.

The Controversial Huffington Post-AOL Merger: 7 Questions That Matter from AlterNet

AOL Buying the Huffington Post for $315 Million from TPMLivewire


  1. Lol I got my first account banned one comment through after posting a NEUTRAL comment about Mark Zuckerburg and Julian Assange.

    Ariana Huffington, you have hired nasty moderators for your site.

  2. i was completely banned the other day after i tried to post in different ways a response to a self-aggrandizing blog by Frank Luntz, of all people. All i tried to say was that Luntz was not the "wordsmith" he claims to be, but in fact nothing less than an heir to Joe Goebbels. I will never even open HuffPo again--why bother?

  3. Regarding the "Joe Goebbels" comment I've noticed that any comment that refers to Nazis is very likely to get censored. In some ways I can understand that, it is an over used analogy but on the other hand it is often a perfect way to make a point. Its an example of their ridiculous censorship policy.


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